Thursday, February 7, 2013

22. We've overcome him, and laid him down.

22.    We’ve overcome him, and laid him down

Thursday, Friday - grab it whilst it's there.  You don't see this very often now.

We’ve snatched a couple of days that the forecast said would be dry and reasonably warm in order to get the Red Baron down (today) and the concrete poured (tomorrow).

We set to at 8 o’clock this morning and pretty well completed the task by dusk of lining the floors with the red polythene.  All the sheets have been sealed together with double sided bituthene between the overlapping sheets, and then taped over the outer edge with visqueen as double precaution to keep any damp out.

Tackling the drain outlets
The corner codge

Corners, and sealing drain outlets are a nightmare, and very tricky to do.  Polythene sheet isn’t very cooperative so there has been rather a lot of codging, disguised as best we can, with loads of tape.  I’m sure there must be a prescribed way of doing this job, but no-one was able to tell me how, and it certainly didn’t come naturally to our fingers.  It’s one of those jobs one starts off thinking one has to be very particular over, take your time, it’s important to get it right.  Gradually other priorities seem to creep in – get it done, –  just get it done, – just b***** w*** get it done. 

A sea of red - taking shape

The end result looks like a sea of blood flowing through the house, but it wasn’t that bad really, we are still talking, and we are pleased with each other's workmanship in the main.   It will be great once the concrete has been poured and spread into all the corners.  

Having had a good meal and a little toddy I am now awaiting a call from our friendly neighbour who is letting me have a soak in her bath tonight when she gets home. 

I hope she'll move over.

That and a good night’s sleep will set me up for tomorrow, though I don’t expect to do much as we have 4 strong men helping.  I’ll just be recording it on camera.  Someone has to do that.

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